EARLE'S GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC Version 1.0, 13-Jul2003, C063A.TXT, C63 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find intersection of Highways 24 and 59. Drive south on Highway 59 for approximately 8.0 miles. Church is located on the right side of road. HISTORY: -------- THE CHURCH - the body of Christ, the bride of Christ! He loved her enough to die for her. He left His mission in her hands. What an awesome responsibility Earle's Grove Church has! May we see God's hand at work in her history. Earle's Grove Baptist Church was organized in 1911, but her roots go back farther than that. Beaverdam, South Union, and Bethel Baptist Churches were already functioning then and people from this community went to one or the other of these. However, what seems near to us today was really a long distance to go in horse and buggy days. And the people of this community felt the need of church services here. D. F. Richardson and John Patterson were instrumental in organizing a Sunday school in 1904 in Tertia School building. This building was on C. W. (Lum) Patterson's place across the road from where Mrs. Opal Merritt lives now. Mrs. A. A. Williams, daughter of D. F. Richardson, gave this information. She said, "That was the only building in this community where services could be held." her father was superintendent of this Sunday School the first year. Mrs. Williams, then Amy Richardson, remembers going to this Sunday School. The John, Lum, and Bob Patterson families were some she remembers going there. Mrs. Lina, first wife of John Patterson, was her Sunday School teacher and they loved her. Blanche Richardson (now Mrs. Eugene Martin) and her sister Lena (Mrs. F. R. Nicholson), cousins of Mrs. Williams, walked from where Thomas Burdette now lives to this Sunday school. Mrs. Martin has told her son, Wade, that the Earl's and Mrs. Lina Patterson were the leaders in it. Sunday School was started in 1906 in a building back of the present Albert Timms Home Place, then the Slayton home. Mrs. Gertrude Slayton Timms remembered going to this Sunday School. Olin and Clinton Ables also remember it. Their father, Robert Ables, was largely responsible for getting it started and was the superintendent. The people sat on homemade wood benches. Someone brought a little pump organ to help with the music. Robert Ables and Myrtie Ables (later Mrs. Hobson Belk) played the organ. According to the Ables brothers, some of the other people that came to that Sunday school were Mr. And Mrs. Louis Shirley, Mrs. Bob Price, Mr. And Mrs. B. F. Huff, and the Stones (no relation to those attending Earle's Grove now). Sunday school met in the afternoon. Sometimes a preacher would come in and preach. A school house was built in 1909 on the knoll then called Chigger Hill, now known as Earle's Grove. (This date was given by Mrs. Nora Campbell Richardson whose father, John Campbell, was a trustee of the school.) The whole area now known as Earle's Grove evidently was known then as Beaverdam. Two different early references to this section called it Beaverdam. The Earle's lived where the Jennings Tuckers live now and it was called Beaverdam. Also in an early letter the writer spoke of this section as Beaverdam. Some time after the schoolhouse was built, Sunday school began to meet in it. Jay Smith, uncle of Dennis Kay, thinks that George Gibson, John Patterson, and John W. Smith were the first to consider starting this Sunday school and others joined them. This Sunday school met in the afternoon also and preachers came in all along to preach. According to most of the people who remember it, this school building was almost where the present church building now stands, perhaps a little over into the parking lot. This building was described as a "rough building with no overhead ceiling. Two long steps led up to two doors with a window between them. These doors opened into a single room where there were school desks and a long bench at the front for recitations. There was a reed, pump organ but it is not known whether this belonged to the school or to the Sunday school. According to one who remembers, Elias Earle was the "main stake" in the Sunday school. He put on contests all along to get more members. The members were divided between the Blues and the Reds and the side that brought the most members was given an ice cream supper. The earliest record book we have now begins with February 26, 1911. Fifty-seven were present that day. W. H. Higgenbottom was secretary but no superintendent was recorded. The next Sunday J. G. Dickerson was listed as Superintendent. It was in this school building on June 4, 1911, that Earle's Grove Baptist Church was organized with 39 members. "Dr. Dayrus, from Greenville, S.C. and Rev. A. P. Marrett, from Westminster, S. C., were present and helped in the organization. Also, Mr. Shaw of Anderson County and Mr. Hudson of Travelers Rest helped. Dennis Kay says that his grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Smith was a charter member also. Jim Allen Black was Superintendent of the Sunday school at the time the church was organized. Eighty-eight people were present in Sunday school that day and the contributions amounted to 87 cents. Mrs. Grady Ables in her history written in 1930 for the dedication of the little brick church building says, "The tract of land on which this building stands was given by Mr. Elias Earle, who was for many years a land holder of this community and one who did much to help the progress of the Sunday school and church." Most of the Earle's Grove people down through the years have thought that Elias Earle gave of his own land to the church and school. Willie Gibson, whose father was a charter member of the church told the writer that the land came from the Earle Estate and was just as much a gift from Wilton and Mary Earle as from Elias. Investigation bears this out. Ullen Lowry, son of Mary Earle Lowry, says that his Uncle Elias gave it as a trustee of the Earle Estate. He says he has heard his mother say a number of times that the part given to the church and school came from her part of the estate. On July 12, 1911 one acre was deeded to Earle's Grove Church and two to School District 71. Elias Earle and C. W. (Lum) Patterson gave much of the material for the first church building. It was constructed in 1912, by the men of the community, with some help from others in adjoining communities. According to his children, Mrs. Cleo Humphries and Jay Smith, John W. Smith drove the first nail in the construction of the building. Jay, when he was only a boy, hauled the first load of lumber and he says that Landy Richey sawed the lumber. This building was a large one room white frame building. Beaverdam Association Minutes gave its seating capacity as from 400 to 600, depending upon the estimation of whoever made out the church letter. It was dedicated July 21, 1912. Mrs. Lina Patterson (Mrs. J.A.) suggested that the church be named for Mr. Earle. Mrs. J. Steve Smith remembers Mrs. Patterson saying, "Let's name it Earle's Grove since Mr. Elias Earle gave the land to build it on and Mr. Earle was the first Superintendent of the Sunday school before the church was built. Rev. H. C. Hester of Greenville was called as pastor of the new church, March 2, 1912, with a salary of $80 for the year. Preaching was once a month on third Sundays. F. A. Carroll was church clerk that year and Jim Allen Black and J. G. Dickerson were Sunday school Superintendents. (Mr. Hester was a student at Furman University when he was called and came over from Greenville to Seneca on the train on Saturday. Someone from Earle's Grove met him and he spent the weekend in an Earle's Grove home going back on Sunday afternoon.) Much of the pastor's salary was paid in produce in those days and some who remember him say the man had a hard time getting enough for train fare. By the end of 1912 the church membership had increased to 73. Blanche Richardson (Mrs. Eugene Martin) was the first person to join Earle's Grove Church. A girl that joined in 1912 (12 year old Eula Minyard) later became the wife of one of the pastors, Rev. W. A. Tinsley. On March 1, 1919 Mrs. Ovaline Simpson deeded two acres of land to the church. Mr. C. W. (Lum) Patterson had exchanged some of his land to her for it. Thus it was Mr. Patterson who really gave the land. The church bought 1/2 acre from Mr. Stephen Shirley on December 20, 1940, making a total of 3 1/2 acres. Some land was swapped to Paul King, September 2, 1960, to make the church property go on down to the road. In 1930 a severe wind storm blew the church off its foundation. The people decided to rebuild and elected J. Steve Smith, Grady Ables, and Luther Richey, Sr. as a building committee. They chose Walker Bearden as contractor. A one- room building with solid brick walls was erected and still stands. Mrs. Steve Smith now 94 years of age recalls that "Steve was so proud of the little brick church. He helped to haul the bricks. He would get up early in the morning to get them back. He was happy to haul them in his first truck." This church was dedicated November 27, 1930. The author found a copy of the dedication program when the third building was torn down. Elias P. Earle was born in Anderson County, South Carolina September 3, 1876. He lived in Seneca, Beaverdam (the area now called Earle's Grove), and Clemson, South Carolina. He died in Pickens County, South Carolina, February 29, 1935 PASTORS: It would be hard for a church to rise above its pastor. As a shepherd leads his flock to green pastures and still waters, so the pastor must shepherd his flock into the riches that God has for them. Earle's Grove has been usually blessed by the caliber of most of the men that have been called to lead the church. The dates used here are those found in Beaverdam Association Minutes though they do not always correspond exactly with the years a man has served. Since we cannot get a word from the earlier pastors or from their wives and have very few records of their ministry here. We shall tell more of their lives in general as we could gather information. The very first pastor, Mr. H. C. Hester, is an example of how God led Earle's Grove Church to superior men. Mr. Hester was 25 years old and a senior at Furman University when the church called him in March 1912. During his junior and senior years, he did supply preaching but Earle's Grove was his first pastorate. Mr. Hester used his experience in his father's water mill to get work in mills around Greenville and Spartanburg to earn money for his education at Spartan Academy and at Furman. His sister remembers his talking to them often of his train trips to get to Earle's Grove. Earle's Grove people met the train in Seneca on Saturdays and took him back Sunday afternoons. He spent the nights with Earle's Grove people. He did not receive much help here financially, however. His salary was to be $80 a year but one of our members who remembers his work here said he had "to scuffle to get his railroad fare. That was about all the pay he did get." He preached here until he was elected to teach at Mountain View High School in Greenville County in 1913. Records of the progress of the church during his work here are lost but his later life shows the quality of the man Earle's Grove had for her first pastor. Soon after his marriage to Miss Jennie Mae Dill, September 12, 1915, he and his bride went to Southern Seminary at Louisville, where they both studied to be missionaries. He earned his master's degree. They were assigned to Brazil. While waiting to get into language school, he pastored Bethcar Baptist Church near Wagener. From there they went to North Greenville Academy where MR. Hester was principal. In 1919 they found that their family was to increase. Because of poor medical facilities in Brazil, the Foreign Mission Board decided not to allow Jennie to go with Mr. Hester. Rather than go alone, he decided to remain at North Greenville. He served at this post nine years during the most critical period of the school's history. He is credited with saving the school with the help of the people of Tigerville. He frequently took from his own salaries from churches to help pay the teachers. He went back to being a full time pastor in 1929 and in 1933 became affiliated with the South Carolina Sunday school Board. He worked especially with Vacation Bible Schools. He served until his death of a heart attack, October 30, 1945. The following is taken from the "Baptist Courier: "He was a person of unusual good cheer, superb ability and complete devotion to his Lord." "He loved his Savior, is work, and his denomination. He had a good mind and a big heart. He was modest but possessed much ability and did his work efficiently." "He was truly one of God's noblemen..." "For thirty-five years he gave himself in royal manner...Truly he was a faithful steward." There were 27 baptisms into Earle's Grove Church reported in 1912 and the membership had increased to 73. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Apr-2001 Vivian Parkman at cpvp@aol.com in Apr-2001 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Norine B. Richey at Earle's Grove Baptist Church LIBRARY REFERENCE: Earle's Grove Baptist Church Library LOCATION WRITE-UP: Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Apr-2001 TRANSCRIPTION .. : Mary Cawthon at cawthoni@bellsouth.net in Jul-2003 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ABLES, Arlington S., b. 4-may-1897, d. 14-oct-1957, on military marker, pvt u s army WWI, also here is inf daughter & robert w ABLES, Bevely, b. 24-may-1938 (no last name on stone, presume ables as is buried in olen ables plots) ABLES, Christine N., b. 16-jul-1906, double marker with clinton b ABLES, Clinton B., b. 11-oct-1903, d. 5-sep-1982, on double headstone with christine n. ABLES, Hannah Gabrielle, b. 2-may-1989, d. 2-may-1989, infant daughter of carl and melissa dawn (ledford) ables ABLES, infant daughter of a s . and kittie, b. 17-apr-1921, d. 19-apr-1921 ABLES, J. P., b. 16-jun-1886, d. 7-nov-1968, double marker with mattie iola ables ABLES, Keiffer W., b. 22-oct-1902, d. 9-apr-1997, on double headstone with olen g., 1901-0 ABLES, Kitty Hall, b.1899, d. 31-oct-1983, widow of arlington ables, p. walter and ina (chamble) hall, b. anderson co. ABLES, Mattie Iola, b. 11-jun-1895, d. 27-dec-1929, double marker with j p ables ABLES, Max Hall, b. 6-jul-1927, d. 23-dec-2002, pvt us army wwII, next to lucius l stone, w. anne ables ABLES, Milvia Cole, b. 2-oct-1906, d. 27-apr-1946, on single headstone beside wm. clark ables, 1902-1959 ABLES, Olen G., b. 22-jul-1901, d. 20-dec-1983, on double headstone with keiffer whitfield ables., 1902-0, p. wm robert and ida (sullivan) ables, born oconee cty, also here is wendell & beverly ABLES, Robert W., b. 5-dec-1923, d. 27-jul-1947, on military marker, sc pfc med dept WWII, next to arlington s ABLES, Wendell, b. 21-oct-1930, on single headstone, no last name on stone, in olen g. ables plots ABLES, William Clark, b. 16-nov-1902, d. 18-dec-1959, on single headstone beside milvia cole ables, 1906-1946, also here dunck & emma b cole ADAMS, Ethel M., b. 1895, d. 1967, on double headstone w/ john c., 1892-1935 ADAMS, James Curtis, b. 15-nov-1912, d. 2-may-1969, see john c adams ADAMS, John C., b. 1892, d. 1935, on double headstone with ethel m., 1895-1967, james curtis adams here also ADAMS, Mildred G., b. 4-may-1914, d. 26-jan-1968 ADAMS, Mitchell, b. @1925, d. 12-sep-1985, w. mattie (norris) adams, p. paul and dovie (long) adams, b. oconee co. ALLEY, Thomas Edwin, b. dec-1-1931, d. nov-23-1932, on hand carved concrete covered grave ARIAIL, Frances Ruth, b. 6-feb-1931, d. 27-feb-1931, f. guy otis ariail, next to guynell ariail ARIAIL, Gynell, b. 25-apr-1927, d. 11-may-1932, f. guy otis ariail, next to frances ruth ariail ARNOLD, William F., only date feb-11-1971 ATKINSON, Veda Wood, b. feb-12-1893, d. jul-3-1933 BARKER, Donald L., b. 16-oct-1928 (military marker dated 1916), d. 3-aug-1975, a. ?, double marker with louise g, mil marker: a2c us air force BARKER, Donnie Ray, b. 17-mar-1938, d. 20-feb-1946, a. 7y 11m 27d, p. m/m j.f. barker BARKER, George A., b. 30-may-1930, d. 27-jan-1986, a. 55y 4m, p. paul killian & ora arve barker, w. margaret cates barker BARKER, John Franklin, b. 22-aug-1891, d. 21-jun-1954, a. 62y 9m 29d, double marker with lilliam l., also here ned f, donnie ray barker, see barbara b williams, & grace b golden BARKER, John Sam, b. 1925, d. 1969, a. 44y, see joseph max barker, mil marker: ha 1/c us navy wwII BARKER, Joseph Max, b. 17-aug--1932, d. no dod, double marker with mary g barker, also here is john sam barker BARKER, Joshua Steven, Sr., b. 21-jun-1914, d. 6-dec-1995, a. 81y, p. john f. & lillian lay barker, w. kathleen treadaway barker BARKER, Kathleen Treadway, b. 7-feb-1917, d. 24-feb-1998, h. joshua s barker, also here paul j barker BARKER, Lillian Lay, b. 30-nov-1893, d. 14-jan-1983, a. 89y 1m 15d, p. jessie & mamie sheppard lay, double marker with john franklin barker BARKER, Louise G., b. 22-jul-1930, d. no dod, double marker with donald l BARKER, Margaret C., b. 31-mar-1933, d. 14-may-1968, a. 35y 1m 14d, h george a BARKER, Mary G., b. 28-nov-1932, d. no dod, double marker with joseph max barker BARKER, Ned Franklin, b. 7-dec-1940 in greenwood sc, d. 26-sep-2000, , p. joshua f & kathleen t barker, w. joyce babb barker, see john franklin barker, BARKER, Paul J. (infant), 1938, p. m/m j.s. barker, next to joshua s & kathleen t barker BEANE, Linda Jo, b. 11-sep-1940, d. 14-feb-1946, a. 5y 5m 3d, p. m/m e.f. beane BELK, Myrtie Ables, b. 1895, d. 1937, a. 42y, next to evelyn belk edwards gray BLACK, Audrey R., 17-apr-1926, only date, 4 way marker with bd & inf sons & lilah n BLACK, B.D., b.7-aug-1887, d.1975 BLACK, Bessie M., b.9-aug-1912, d.28-oct-1969, next to eugene l BLACK, Bettie Ann, 20-july-1938, p. james a. & margie c. black, only date BLACK, Bobby Lee, 15-jan-1935, p. james a. & margie g. black, only date BLACK, Claire E., b.24-feb-1923, d.20-aug-1980, double marker with clyde j. BLACK, Clyde James, b.6-may-1920 in fairplay, sc, d. 12-oct-2002 in seneca sc, ssgt us army wwII, double marker with claire e., w. bonnie dalton hutchingson black, p. grover james & essie elliot black, 1st wife claire rochester black BLACK, Curtis E., b.31-oct-1908, d.13-dec-1944, double marker with zennie m & also here wm douglas black BLACK, E. Elbert, b.31-july-1873, d.15-dec-1936, double marker with tulula j. BLACK, Eugene L., b.1905, d.1981, double marker with thelma c, also here helen joyce & bessie m. BLACK, Euless D., b.26-feb-1900, d.29-july-1987, p. isaac bennett & jane mauldin black, w. eunice ellis black BLACK, Eunice E., b.9-may-1902, double marker with euless d. BLACK, Helen Joyce, b. 23-mar-1931, d. 3-apr-1931, see eugene l BLACK, Henry F., b.1904, d.1974, double marker with ruth s., next to ee & tj black BLACK, Infant sons, 6-febb-1928, 10-oct-1935,*do not know if these are sep death dates or dirth and death dates of infant sons, 4 way headstone with b d & audrey r & lilah n BLACK, Isaac Ben, b.11-oct-1883, d.10-dec-1961, double marker with vinnie b. BLACK, John T., b.15-apr-1876, d.18-apr-1938, double marker with mary mccoy black BLACK, Lilah N., b.7-june-1892, d.24-apr-1941, 4 way marker with b d & audrey r & inf sons BLACK, Lottie "Maw Maw" Patterson Richardson, b.1910C, d.25-mar-1996, p. leeander & luanna scarborough patterson, 1st h. jasper newton richardson BLACK, Mary McCoy, b.17-aug-1876, d.19-apr-1920, double marker with john t. BLACK, Rufus, b.1880, d.1925, funeral marker only, between mary m black and infant daughter ables BLACK, Ruth S., b.1913, d.28-aug-1993, p. lewis martin & leigh huff shirley, h. henry fletcher black BLACK, Shirley Alice, b.5-mar-1938, d.8-mar-1938, p. mr. & mrs. julian black BLACK, Thelma C., b.1906, d.1947, double marker with eugene l. BLACK, Thomas Russell, b.6-june-1913, d.27-dec-1961, military marker: sc pvt us army WWII BLACK, Tululua J., b.2-feb-1880, d.8-mar-1965, double marker with e. elbert BLACK, Vinnie B., b.25-mar-1888, d.11-june-1967, double marker with isaac ben BLACK, William Douglas, b. 19-oct-1937, d. 21-oct-1937, p. curtis & zennie m black BLACK, Zennie M., b. 11-oct-1915, d. 29-oct-1986, double marker with curtis e BLACKWELL, Arlene Martha Wittenberger, b.19-aug-1936, d.5-apr-1996, p. edgar & erma kissenger wittenberger, h. ralph a. BLACKWELL, Ralph A., b. 29-jul-1924, d. no dod, double marker with arlene m BOWERS, Lillian D., b. 11-apr-1928, d. 23-jun-1985, next to jesse j davis BOYD, Eunice D. Graham, b. 10-jul-1913, d. 15-dec-1999 hendersonville nc, double marker with daughter, patricia b west, h. james l boyd BRADBURY, J. R., b. 5-feb-1912, d. 10-oct-1961, on single headstone has cole-bradbury header, also here fred david cole, clinton c. burdett, idell glenn burdette BRADY, Fammie Graham, b. 15-sep-1914, d. 5-feb-1942, next to willie p & wyndola brady BRADY, Willie Pratt, Sr., b. 29-may-1909, d. 2-feb-1968, between wyndola & fammie g brady BRADY, Wyndola, b. 25-mar-1935, d. 22-feb-1967, beside w. p. sr. , and fammie g brady BROWN, Issiac D., b. 5-sep-1849, d. 10-jul-1932; on single headstone; has masonic emblem; also here: anderson d. & esther brown graham. BRYANT, Emma Mullikin, b. 23-sep-1868, d. 7-apr-1956; on double headstone with husband j. t. 1860/1939. BRYANT, George W., b. 17-may-1910, d. 2-sep-1976; on military marker: pfc us army wwII; also here: george w., jr.; buried in j. f. bryant plots. BRYANT, George W., Jr., b. 2-jul-1931, d. 29-sep-1933; on single headstone; also here: george w.; buried in j. t. bryant plots. BRYANT, J. T., b. 23-dec-1860, d. 23-jan-1935, w. emma mullikin bryant BURDETTE, Clinton C., b. 27-may-1911, d. 20-jun-1971, sc tec5 hq co 118 inf wwII BURDETTE, Evelyn T., b. 30-jul-1922, d. 8-aug-1981, on double headstone with thomas l. (1916-0) , stone says "mother" BURDETTE, Idell Glenn Bradbury, b. 9-dec-1913, d. 26-mar-1987, (married twice) h. j.r. bradbury, h. clinton c. burdette, p. curtis & effie c. glenn d. revelyn cole tollison BURDETTE, Thomas Lester, b. 8-oct-1916, d. 26-may-1985, w. susie treadaway burdette, p. johnny levi & mattie sheriff burdette, on double headstone with evelyn t. (1922-1981), stone says "father", tommy devane burdette here also BURDETTE, Tommy Devane, "Redman" (on footer), b. 6-may-1949 in oconee cty., sc, d. 7-oct-1999 in bowersville ga, next to thomas l burdette, sp 5 us army vietnam BURGESS, Elijah James, b. 2001, d. 2001, funeral marker only CAMPBELL Bonnie Farmer, b. 7-may-1934, d. 27-apr-1992, h. louie l, see wm s farmer CAMPBELL, Louie Lamar, b. 18-may-1933, d. 4-nov-1996, w. bonnie fay, s/o calhoun harold CAMPBELL, W. C., b. 1876, d. 1960, on single headstone CLARK, Etta Marcella Sewell, b. 14-dec-1870, d. 12-jun-1954; also here thad e. & livia r. grant COLE, Dunck, b. 27-jul-1882, d. 11-feb-1968, single headstone beside emma b. 1880/1964, has ables-cole header; also here: wm. clark & milvia cole ables COLE, Emma B., b. 7-may-1880, d. 15-jan-1964, single headstone beside dunck 1882/1968; also here: wm. clark & milvia cole ables COLE, Fred David, b. 24-dec-1938, d. 11-mar-1981, single headstone; has cole-bradbury header; also here: j.r. bradbury & clinton c burdette & revelyn b cole COLE, Mildred S., b. 1915, dbl. headstone with thomas m. 1911/74 COLE, Sarah Revelyn Bradbury, b. 6-feb-1938, d. 15-mar-2000 in anderson sc, h. fred david cole, COLE, Thomas M., b. 1911, d. 1974, dbl. headstone with mildred s. 1915/-0- CONNALLY, Ida M., b. 19-may-1916, dbl. headstone with j. riley vaughn 1935/81; also here is a concrete marker not readable COX, Kate Richey*, b. 9-apr-1894, d. 26-sept-1986, 3-way headstone with raymond w. & merton; *paper says katharine richey cox; h. murph; d/o john & deannie nally richey COX, Merton C., b. 9-feb-1883, d. 22-jun-1955, 3-way headstone with kate richey cox & raymond w. COX, Ralph James, b. 25-apr-1920, d. 15-may-1985, anderson sc, w. fern snyder cox; s/o merck clarence & kate richey cox; vet army air force WWII COX, Raymond W., b. 5-apr-1923, 3-way headstone with merton c. & kate richey cox DAVIS, Della H., b. 1-may-1899, d. 7-mar-1982, dbl. headstone with jesse j. 1893/1962 DAVIS, Ethel F., b. 4-apr-1897, d. 13-aug-1979, dbl. headstone with l. harold 1899/1959 DAVIS, Fred Moss, b. 22-sep-1930, d. 27-jul-1993, w. wilma mcclain davis; s/o reuben moss & june richey davis DAVIS, infant d/o j.j. & della l., b. & d. 22-mar-1922, single headstone DAVIS, J. W., b. 3-aug-1924, d. 31-jul-1926, single headstone, says s/o j.j. & della l. davis DAVIS, Jack, b. 1927, d. 1977, military marker: s1 us navy WWII, buried in r.m. davis plots DAVIS, Jesse J., b. 5-sept-1893, d. 10-apr-1962, dbl. headstone with della h.; also here: son j.w. and infant dtr. & lillian d bpwers & dee gilliam DAVIS, Junie R., b. 28-oct-1897, d. 30-dec-1997, dbl. headstone with r.m. 1896/1976; has eastern star emblem DAVIS, L. Harold, b. 2-feb-1899, d. 22-apr-1959, dbl. headstone with ethel f. 1897/1979 DAVIS, R. M.*, b. 4-oct-1896, d. 4-aug-1976, dbl. headstone with junie r. 1897/-0-; has masonic emblem; also has military marker: pm2 us navy WWI, same dates; *military marker gives: ruben moss davis; also here jack davis DAVIS, Wilma M., b. 14-aug-1933, d. no dod, double marker with fred m davis DOOLEY, Lillie, b. may 1901, d. 11-nov-1942, next to preston dooley DOOLEY, Preston, no dates, next to lillie dooley, j riley vaughn here also FARMER, Sula Jo Simmons, b. 17-sep-1910, d. no dod, double marker with william s FARMER, William Sanford "Bill", b. 11-sep-1909 d. 1-mar-1985, w. sula jo (simmons) farmer; p. beverly and sue ellie (smith) (kerr) farmer, b. oconee, also here is bonnie f campbell & william h farmer FISHER, Kathy Diane Blackwell, b. 23-may-1959, d. 23-jan-2003, h. thomas oliver fisher, p. ralph a & arlene w blackwell FISHER, Thomas Oliver, b. 23-sep-1961, d. no dod, w. kathy blackwell fisher FORD, Alma E., b. 2-oct-1914 in oconee cty, sc, d. 4-feb-2003, p. charlie & blanch sheriff, h. james carl ford, double marker with carl FORD, Carl, b. 28-aug-1907, d. 11-aug-1992, see cora ford, double marker with alma e FORD, Cora, b. 18-oct-1889 d. 27-sep-1973, next to alma & carl FOSTER, Betty Helen, b. 1937, d. 1937, billy & james larry foster here also FOSTER, Billy, b. 1937, d. 1937, betty helen & james larry foster here also FOSTER, James Larry, b. 1932, d. 1933, has old faded stone at foot of grave with dod 23-jan-1933, betty helen& billy foster here also GALBREATH, Jack E., Sr., b.11-july-1927, d.25-dec-1979, double marker with judy b. GALBREATH, Judy B., b.1-dec-1942, double marker with jack e., sr GILLIAM, Dee, b.23-may-1906, d.28-jan-1963, see jesse j davis GOLDEN, Gracie B., b. 5-sep-1918, d. no dod, next to john f barker, double marker with joseph j golden GOLDEN, Joseph J., b. 1-nov-1914, d. 18-aug-1991, double marker with gracie b golden GRAHAM, Anderson D., b.25-feb-1886, d.4-june-1982, double marker with esther brown graham GRAHAM, Christopher Thomas, b.21-jun-1975, d.20-oct-1987, p. robert arthur & vickie belinda rhodes graham GRAHAM, Effie G., b.1886, d.1971, double marker with j. hampton graham, same plot as eunice d graham boyd GRAHAM, Elmer Shine, no dates GRAHAM, Esther Brown, b.29-oct-1884, d.24-nov-1931, double marker with anderson d, next to issiac d brown. GRAHAM, George Chandler, b.26-oct-1929, d.21-may-1930, p. mr. & mrs. john w. graham GRAHAM, Gladys, P., b.26-apr-1908, d.16-apr-1993, p. wm. leander & louanna scarborough patterson, h. roy l. sr. GRAHAM, Gordon, b.1-aug-1882, d.29-sept-1956, double marker with lucy brown graham, also here lee graham GRAHAM, infant dtr. of mr. & mrs. john w., 6-may-1922 GRAHAM, Infants, next to louise graham, see plumer graham, no dates on funeral marker GRAHAM, J. Hampton, b.1876, d.1942, double marker with effie g. GRAHAM, Jessie Wehunt, b.1892, d.1946, double marker with john w. GRAHAM, John L., b.1913, d.1964, see john w GRAHAM, John W., b.1882, d.1946, double marker with jessie wehunt graham also here: george c, ruby nell, john l & inf dau graham, & anna b g morgan GRAHAM, Lee, b.18-mar-1874, d.2-nov-1953, see gorndon GRAHAM, Lillie Lee, b.1902, d.1954, 3-way marker with maudie lee & plumer GRAHAM, Louise, b. 1918, d1932, see plumer graham GRAHAM, Lucy Brown, b.9-oct-1874, d.30-july-1949, double marker with gordon, above is issiac d brown & esther brown graham GRAHAM, Maudie Lee, b.1898, d.1928, 3-way marker with lillie lee & plumer GRAHAM, Plumer, b.1889, d.1965, 3-way marker with maudie lee & lillie lee, louise graham & 2 infants here also GRAHAM, Robert A., b. 16-feb-1949, d. no dod, triple marker with vickie r & christopher t GRAHAM, Roy Lee, b.30-jan-1909, d.4-feb-1957, double marker with gladys p. GRAHAM, Ruby Nell, b.28-apr-1924, d.15-apr-1925, p. mr. & mrs. john w. graham GRAHAM, Vickie R., b. 29-dec-1950, d. no dod, triple marker with christopher t & robert a GRANT, Amy S., b.9-jan-1894, d.25-may-1980, double marker with sam GRANT, Annie M., b.23-oct-1869, d.4-july-1943, h. wm. b. GRANT, Clara Josie, b.11-mar-1866, d.26-jan-1946, double marker with twin eliza jane GRANT, Eliza Jane, b.11-mar-1866, d.19-apr-1938, double marker with twin clara josie GRANT, Harrol Hascal, b.30-oct-1906, d.2-mar-1922, p. w.h. & maggie grant GRANT, Joe S., b.14-july-1930, d.18-nov-1986, p. sam & amy pearl smith grant, w. willie mae savage grant, tsgt army vet korea, m. 4-jul-1952, son: tony joe grant here also GRANT, Livia R., b.1895, d.1978, double marker with thad e. GRANT, M. Clarence, b.20-dec-1890, d.2-feb-1929, see wm bryant GRANT, Maggie Mc., b.1881, d.1932, double marker with wm. h. GRANT, Sam, b.20-sept-1879, d.13-aug-1954, double marker with amy s. GRANT, Thad E., b.1891, d.1958, double marker with livia r., next to him is lois g sheriff GRANT, Tony Joe, b.12-mar-1954, d.30-apr-1954, p. joe & billie grant GRANT, William B., b.15-mar-1872, d.21-may-1936, w. annie m., m clarence grant here also GRANT, William Eugene, b.28-june-1914, d.4-june-1942 GRANT, William H., b.1873, d.1963, double marker with maggie mc. 1881/1932, also here is harrol h grant GRANT, Willie Mae S., b.21-nov-1933, double marker with joe s., (son's inscription says billie grant) GRAY, Evelyn Belk Edwards, 21-nov-1921, only date, next to myrtie ables belk HAMBY, Alice "Jane" Ellenburg, b.18-feb-1942, d.18-apr-1996, p. albert & mary dodges ellenburg, h. neal allen hamby HAMBY, Neal Allen, b. 15-sep-1935, d. no dod, double marker with alice j HARBIN, Jonas Coy, b.9-apr-1936, d.1-oct-1992, p. lawrence & leler mae blair harbin, mil marker: rct us army HARBIN, Lelar Mae, b. 8-jun-1917, d. no dod, h. lawrence HARBIN, Lawrence, b.16-dec-1912, d.14-may-1998, w. leler mae blair harbin, p. elbert & josephine homea harbin, also here is ross & jonah HARBIN, Ross, no dates HARPER, Judith Mary Baer, b. 5-oct-1939, d.21-dec-1992, p. wm. & margaret love baer, h. tommy earl HARPER, Tommy Earl, b. 1-may-1938, d. no dod, double marker with judith mary b harper HEATON, Fred D., b.14-mar-1936, d.28-may-1978, double marker with pearl s. HEATON, Pearl S., b.16-apr-1927, d.10-oct-1996, p. john l. summey and mother: nancy anna cassell summey, h. fred douglas heaton HOLLIDAY, Lealon Lamar "Bud", b.23-feb-1928, d.17-sept-2000, w. rudine white holliday, p. walter lamar & eula brown holliday, us army vet korean war HOLLIDAY, Rudine White, b. 21-sep-1932, d. no dod, h. lealon l HONEA, Bessie Bell Lee, b. 12-sep-1902, d. 19-oct-1991, p. ruben henry & mary thrift lee, h. rev. johnny h. honea HONEA, Curtis Currell, b. 26-dec-1923, d. 11-sep-1954, military marker: s1 us navy wwii, next to edward e honea HONEA, Edward E., b. 21-feb-1922, d. 29-aug-1944, military marker: sc tec 4 field artillery wwii bsm-ph, next to curtis currell honea HONEA, Jean Walters, b. 13-may-1934, d. 21-apr-1982 HONEA, Johnny H., "Rev.", b. 17-nov-1899, d. 21-sep-1964, single headstone HONEA, Johnny Lamar, b. 12-may-1944, d. 1-jul-1995, p. rev. johnny h. & bessie bell honea, w. brenda bearden honea, vietnam vet HUBBARD, Lilla S., b.1890, d.1971, double marker with thomas arthur hubbard HUBBARD, Louie A., b.5-may-1910, d.6-nov-1926, p. t.a. & l.e. hubbard HUBBARD, Thomas Arthur, b.1889, d.1950, double marker with lilla s., see louie a hubbard HUMPHRIES, Cleo Smith, b.2-jan-1902, d.26-feb-1995, p. john wesley & nancy black smith, h. rev. james p. humphries, see bettie s snelgrove HUMPHRIES, James P., Rev., b.24-june-1909, d.5-june-1955, double marker with cleo s., military marker: sc pvt 16 bm armd repl tng cen WWII HURT, Besty Green, b. 2-aug-1942, d. no dod JORDAN, Fred F., b.1889, d.1970, double marker with nellie t. JORDAN, Nellie T., b.1910, double marker with fred f. KAY, C. Murray, b.22-nov-1899, d.12-apr-1971, military marker: sc pfc us army WWII, w. kate d KAY, D., b.10-sept-1890, d.29-may-1931, w. grace smith kay KAY, Dennis, b.1911, d.19-mar-1985, p. d. & grace smith kay, w. lena grant kay KAY, Ethel, b.1-dec-1917, d.24-dec-1917, dtr. of d. & gracie kay KAY, Eva, b.5-jan-1910, d.10-dec-1924, beside ethel, d & grace s kay here also KAY, Grace Smith, b.1894, d.1973, beside d. KAY, J.D., b.23-may-1931, d.7-may-1988, p. dennis & lena grant kay, w. margaret broome kay KAY, Kate D., b.22-dec-1908, d.19-july-1992, p. clifton & alice brock davis, h. c. murray kay KAY, Lena G., b. 1912, d. 1997, double marker with dennis kay KAY, Margaret B., b. 25-jun-1931, d. no dod, h. j d kay KING, Clara W., b.1-may-1905, d.5-feb-1978, double marker with w. paul KING, Lee H., b.12-june-1874, d.25-dec-1951, double marker with mary a. KING, Loyd, E., b. 1922, d. 9-feb-2003 in townville sc, funeral marker only , see wylie m king KING, Mary A., b.27-oct-1872, d.22-june-1956, double marker with lee h. KING, Ruby Mize, b.2-feb-1898, d.9-june-1961, double marker with wylie m. KING, Voncile W., b.23-aug-1924, d.10-nov-1989, p. james & cyndi dobbs weaver, h. wm. jewett king KING, W. Paul, b.19-june-1907, d.11-feb-1972, double marker with clara w. KING, William Jet, b.8-sept-1921, d.1-apr-1974, married 10-oct-1944, double marker with voncile w., military marker: sc pvt us army WWII KING, William Thomas, b.1928, d.4-july-1996, p. paul & clara whitfield king, w. willie fay foster kelley king, "t v king" on marker below dates KING, Willie Fay F., b. 1920, d. no dod, double marker with william thomas king KING, Wylie James, b.23-oct-1953, d.19-may-1974, above william jet king KING, Wylie M., b.5-jan-1900, d.13-mar-1955, double marker with ruby mize king, loyd e king here LAMB, Duffie Marcus, b.20-nov-1923, d.18-mar-1951, p. mr. & mrs. jesse lamb, military: sc t sgt 406 inf WWII bsm LAMB, J. R., b. 23-sep-1928, d. no dod, double marker with montez r, m. 15-jan-1949 LAMB, Montez R., b. 2-dec-1930, d. no dod , double marker with j r lamb LAWRENCE, Deborah Lee Whitfield, b. 25-mar-1958, d.11-aug-1996, p. james kendall & juanita frances honea spiva LAY, Roy A., b.31-mar-1912, d.18-dec-1960, military marker: sc pfc batt b 673 field arty bn WWII, next to maggie s lay palmer LEE, Dester B., b.23-mar-1898, d.11-feb-1970 LEE, Duffie L., b.16-apr-1901, d.22-jan-1969, buried in dester b. lee plots LEE, Joel D., b.17-may-1950, d.8-aug-1968 LEE, Lourena Graham, b.30-jan-1876, d.23-nov-1961, h. wm. t. LEE, Rickey V., b.16-nov-1955, d.8-aug-1968 LEE, William Elmain, b.7-mar-1921 pickens sc, d.28-may-1993, p. duffie lester & dester estes bryant lee, w. flossie osborne lee, also here joel d., rickey v., duffie l., dester b. lee LEE, William T., b.17-oct-1874, d.23-may-1930, w. lourena graham lee MANLEY, J.W. "Peaches", b.28-feb-1937, d.27-aug-1997, p. wm. B. & florine berry manley MARCUS, Jasper Ryan, b/d 21-jan-2000, p. timothy & jessica marcus MARTIN, B. Eugene, b.1886, d.1946, double marker with blanche r. MARTIN, Blanche R., b.1892, d. 1982, double marker with b. eugene MARTIN, Esther S., b.12-jan-1919, d.13-mar-1977, double marker with wrilon, sr. MARTIN, Lois T., b. 11-may-1929, d. no dod, double marker with wade e martin MARTIN, Louise S., b. 12-dec-1929, d. no dod, h. carmon w martin MARTIN, Wade E., b. 6-may-1925, d. 21-aug-1996, double marker with lois t martin MARTIN, Wilton Carmon, b.24-apr-1925, d.13-dec-1990, p. willie & lucille sheriff martin, w. louise savage martin, mil marker; s1 us navy wwII MARTIN, Wrilon, Sr., b.27-aug-1913, d.4-nov-1987, p. wm. lawrence & eunice dyar martin, w. esther stancil martin MAULDIN, Joan K., b.1932, double marker with johnnie m., "mother" footstone MAULDIN, Johnnie M., b.1930, d. 1991, double marker with joan k., married 10-sep-1948, "father" on footstone McCRACKEN, Audrey Whitworth Green, a. 80y, b.21-jan-1920, d.10-nov-2000, born in Townville, h. fred mccracken, p. larkin anderson & mary mae ables whitworth McCURLEY, Edgar S., b. 4-may-1921, d. 26-nov-1946, next to stanley & mary d mccurley McCURLEY, Mary D., b.20-may-1891, d.23-sept-1960, beside stanley McCURLEY, Stanley, b.26-nov-1890, d.14-june-1944, beside mary d., also here edgar s mccurley McINTYRE, Agnes S. Tucker, b.19-june-1888, d.5-jan-1960 McLANE, Evoid T., Rev., b.22-sept-1907, d. 23-dec-1991, double marker with lodemia t., married 14-apr-1934 McLANE, Lodemia T., b.28-jan-1916, double marker with rev. evoid t. MERRITT, James Edward, b. 7-nov-1930, d. no dod, w. juanita martin merritt, m. 14-feb-1957 MERRITT, Juanita Martin, b.13-mar-1936, d.13-sept-1994, p. wrilon james sr. & esther myrtle stancil martin, h. james, m. 14-feb-1937 MIZE, Charlie, b. jul-1905, d. may-1991, see j ellis mize MIZE, Clarence P., Jr., b.16-jan-1937, d. no dod, double marker with linda b. MIZE, J. Ellis, b.1869, d.1945, double marker with martha h., also here is charlie mize & myrtle m sosebee MIZE, John A., b.10-july-1872, d.28-jan-1956, double marker with margaret c. mize MIZE, Linda B., b.9-aug-1939, d. no dod, double marker with clarence p., jr. MIZE, Margaret C., b.26-nov-1868, d.12-feb-1936, double marker with john a. MIZE, Martha H., b.1867, d.1945, double marker with j. ellis MORGAN, Annie Bell Graham, b.11-jun-1911, d.11-apr-1993, p. john wesley & jessie wiehundt graham, h. andes MORGAN, Gregory E., b.19-may-1956, d. 4-jul-1977 MOSLEY, W., d.25-july-1932, old stone OLBON, Bill, b. 20-sep-1916, d. no dod, double marker with myrtle s olbon, m. 21-jun-1941 OLBON, Myrtle S., b. 25-dec-1920, d. no dod, double marker with bill olbon, m. 21-jun-1941 PALMER, Maggie S. Lay, b.1915, d.1969, next to roy a lay PARSON, Annie B., b.16-oct-1930, d.7-sept-1967, double marker with wm. m. PARSON, Robert U. "Bobby", b.1949, d.1952, see wm m parson PARSON, William M., b.13-mar-1926, double marker with annie b., robert u here also PATTERSON, C.W., b.8-aug-1870, d.18-nov-1941, beside julia s. PATTERSON, Cessie S., b.8-may-1895, d.10-10-1982, p. wm. & georgia hancock simmons, h. james l. patterson PATTERSON, Corrie Burroughs, b.24-apr-1902, d. 6-sep-1944, h. ernest w. PATTERSON, Daisy D., b.19-mar-1900, d.19-mar-1980, double marker with g.c. PATTERSON, Ernest W., b.10-mar-1897, d.24-mar-1969, w. corrie burroughs patterson PATTERSON, G.C., b.14-feb-1895, d.10-feb-1967, double marker with daisy d. PATTERSON, James L., b.13-dec-1891, d.23-nov-1979, beside cessie s., joe c patterson here also PATTERSON, Joe C., b.9-dec-1925, d.2-jan-1945, military marker: sc pfc 399 inf WWII PATTERSON, John A., b.7-aug-1874, d.11-july-1946, w. mary alice cole patterson and w. lina a. cole patterson PATTERSON, Julia S., b.13-mar-1871, d.27-may-1947, beside c.w. PATTERSON, Lina A. Cole, b.15-mar-1868, d.20-feb-1919, h. john a. PATTERSON, Louanna L., b.4-apr-1867, d.16-sept-1947, double marker with w.l. PATTERSON, Mary Alice Cole, b.7-oct-1872, d.26-aug-1943, h. john a. PATTERSON, Mattie C, b.19-apr-1874, d. 8-dec-1957, double marker with robert l. PATTERSON, Robert L., b.4-feb-1868, d. 27-oct-1957, double marker with mattie c. PATTERSON, W.L., b.21-oct-1858, d.6-aug-1943, double marker with louanna l. PRATER, Julian, b. 5-apr-1929, d. no dod, double marker with mary jo prater, also here kevin garrett swain PRATER, Mary Jo Garren, b.15-feb-1929, d.15-mar-1996, p. wm. edgar & nannie mae adams garren, h. julian parker prater RICE, George W., b.30-jan-1851, d.30-jan-1931, w. mary elizabeth, also here is r t stevenson & wm thomas rice RICE, J. Cleveland, Sr., b.27-feb-1880, d.29-oct-1963, beside lillie marret rice RICE, Jonathan Cleveland, Jr., Dr., b.6-may-1922, d.16-feb-1985, p. jonathan cleveland sr. & lillie marett rice, w. lydia margaret campbell rice RICE, Lillie Marret, b.14-jan-1891, d.13-apr-1973, beside j. cleveland rice, sr. RICE, Lydia C., b. 17-sep-1918, d. 9-mar-1993, h. dr jonathan c rice jr RICE, Mary Elizabeth, b.1-feb-1849, d.28-aug-1928, h. geo. w. RICE, William Thomas, b.8-feb-1882, d.19-feb-1953, see g w rice RICHARDSON, Cleo Wall, b.26-apr-1918, d.22-jan-1996, p. james s. & maude mayberry wall, h. rayford p. RICHARDSON, Collins F., b. 2-apr-1927, d. 11-apr-1987 RICHARDSON, Emma T., b.19-oct-1869, d.11-june-1946, double marker with henry b. RICHARDSON, Ernest B., b.21-oct-1903, d.13-jan-1972, double marker with ruby p., also here steve l & william m RICHARDSON, Henry B., b.1-mar-1868, d.6-feb-1938, double marker with emma t. richardson, also here henry b richardson, jr RICHARDSON, Henry B., Jr., b.16-dec-1910, d.2-july-1921, p. h.b. & emma t. richardson, see henry b., sr RICHARDSON, infant son of mr. & mrs. jasper, 27-apr-1933, only date RICHARDSON, Jasper N., b.1908, d.1966, double maker with lottie p. RICHARDSON, Lottie P., b.1910, d. 1996, double marker with jasper n. RICHARDSON, Maggie L., b.2-dec-1901, d.18-oct-1980, triple marker with collins f & nell c RICHARDSON, Nell Chappell, b.29-sep-1929, d.20-jan-1990, p. ernest p. chappell & selma hughes chappell upton, h. collins f. richardson, triple marker with collins s & maggie l RICHARDSON, Rayford Preston, b.24-aug-1920, d.7-apr-1995, p. elmer horace & maye rice richardosn, w. cleo wall richardson, pvt usdarmy vet WWII, "purple heart" RICHARDSON, Ruby P., b.10-apr-1915, d.22-feb-1994, p. james lafayette & cessie simmons patterson, h. ernest benson richardson RICHARDSON, Steve L., b.30-apr-1949, d.6-oct-1955, see ernest RICHARDSON, William M., b.15-oct-1937, d.18-feb-1938, see ernest RICHEY, David E., b.1946, d.1946, infant of joseph t. & elsie r. richey, see earnest l RICHEY, Deanie Nalley, b.26-aug-1863, d.1-feb-1933, h. j.t. richey, see landy h RICHEY, Earnest L., b.1881, d.1961, double marker with janie c., also here marvin l, melvin c., inf son, david e RICHEY, Infant son of joseph t. & elsie r., b.& d. 1933, see earnest l RICHEY, Janie C., b.1883, d.1929, double marker with earnest l. RICHEY, Landy H., b.19-oct-1879, d.15-aug-1947, w. ovaline fant richey, also here: minnie r. smith, luther m jr, deanie n., thelma i, luther m sr., norine b richey, and jeanette b treadway RICHEY, Luther Marvin, Sr., b.24-sept-1892, d.16-may-1957, w. thelma idelle brown richey RICHEY, Luther Marvin, Jr., b. 26-sep-1923 in oconee cty, sc, d. 1-oct-2002 in seneca sc, w. wyona bowen richey, p. luther marvin sr & idell brown richey, step mother norine brock richey, stone spelled "maroin" no marvin, see landy richey RICHEY, Marvin L., b.1919, d.1940, next to earnest l RICHEY, Melvin C.,b.1925, d.1926, infant of joseph t. & elsie r. richey, see earnest l RICHEY, Norine Brock, b.24-apr-1902, d.23-june-2000, h. luther marvin richey, p. charles & lenoir oliver brock, , also here is jeanette brock treadway RICHEY, Ovaline Fant, no dates, h. landy h. RICHEY, Thelma Idelle Brown, b. 19-oct-1900, d. 7-nov-1927, h. l m richey SANDERS, Helton V. "Sonnie", b.18-jan-1946, d.12-dec-1981 SHERIFF, Lois G., b.8-nov-1912, d.18-june-1983, p. thad e. & livia roper grant, 1st h. earl savage, 2nd h. ross sheriff SHERIFF, Ross, b.8-sept-1905, d.2-feb-1978, double marker with lois g. SHIRLEY, Benjamin Clyde, b.8-july-1911, d. 24-nov-2002, double marker with gladys a. m. 26-nov-1936, see lewis m SHIRLEY, Gladys A., b.3-feb-1917, d.8-dec-1996, h. benjamin clyde shirley SHIRLEY, Hazel B, b. 15-dec-1928, d. no dod, next to lewis h, see lewis m SHIRLEY, Leah H., b.1894, d.1976, double marker with lewis m. SHIRLEY, Lewis M., b.1887, d.1928, double marker with leah h., also here b c & lewis h shirley SHIRLEY, Lewis H., b. 21-nov-1926, d. no dod, next to hazel b, see lewis m SHIRLEY, Steve Lewis, b.16-jul-1954, d.8-july-1995, p. lewis huff & hazel black shirley, w. donna kay bramlett shirley, SIMMONS, Joe Whit, b.1909, d.1959, next to jordan grant simmons SIMMONS, Jordan Grant, b.10-jan-1881, d.29-jan-1942, double marker with lizzie burns simmons SIMMONS, Lizzie Burns, b.18-nov-1890, d.6-dec-1979, double marker with jordan grant simmons SIMPSON, , Harmon L., b.13-july-1910, d.1-nov-1983, p. willis richard & maggie brown simpson, w. mallie jones simpson SIMPSON, J. Oeland, b.18-sept-1887, d.28-oct-1928, beside ovaline bates simpson, also here john o & mattie m SIMPSON, John O., Jr., b.29-may-1911, d.7-june-1925, double marker with mattie mae., p. j.o. & o.g. simpson SIMPSON, Mallie J., b.15-dec-1911, d.29-oct-1988, p. david jackson & bessie wright jones, h. harmon lee simpson SIMPSON, Mattie Mae, b.25-sept-1921, d.19-mar-1942, double marker with john o., jr. SIMPSON, Ovaline Bates, b.6-aug-1893, d.26-feb-1936, beside j. oeland simpson SKELTON, George, b. 1911, d. 1944, next to thomas p., 2 infants here also w/o names or dates SKELTON, Susie G., b.6-jan-1892, d.25-dec-1927, beside thomas p. SKELTON, Thomas P., b.9-oct-1881, d.10-jan-1924, beside susie g., see george SMITH, Bessie Ruth Cooper, b.18-jan-1907, d.15-july-1986, dtr. of riley & janie george smith, h. oscar l. smith, triple marker with oscar l & eunice bell smith SMITH, Eunice Bell Snelgrove, b.11-dec-1893, d.27-sept-1923, triple marker with oscar l & bessie r smith SMITH, Fred Junior, b.1933, d.17-sept-1990, p. fred & zelia garner smith, w. dollie davis smith SMITH, J. Steve, b.9-may-1871, d.22-sept-1940, double marker with minnie r. says married 24-dec-1902, also here olga smith SMITH, James C., b.1928, d.1928, between malissa b & montz SMITH, Joan Glymph, b.18-apr-1926, double marker with joe j. SMITH, Joe J., b.2-nov-1923, d.6-oct-1981, double marker with joan glymph smith, military marker: pvt us army WWII SMITH, John W., b.1865, d.1934, double marker with nancy c., see bettie s snelgrove & cleo s humphries SMITH, Malissa B., b.1891, d.9-dec-1940, beside james c & montz SMITH, Minnie R., b.16-july-1884, d.31-aug-1978, double marker with j. steve, also here landy h richey SMITH, Montz, 12-may-1934, only date, next to malissa b & james c SMITH, Nancy C., b.1868, d.1937, double marker with john w. SMITH, Olga, b.19-may-1916, d.4-jan-1917, p. mr. & mrs. j. stephen smith SMITH, Oscar Leard, b.11-june-1891, d.6-jan-1965, p. oscar alexander & amie kimbrell smith, w. sandra mize smith SMITH, Zennie Mae Haynes Black, b.1915C, d.29-oct-1986, p. lonnie grover & maggie smith haynes, 1st h. curtis e. black, 2nd h. j.e. smith SNELGROVE, Bettie S., b.22-feb-1898, d.4-apr-1988, p. john wesley & nancy black smith, h. wm. rbt. snelgrove, see cleo smith humphries SNELGROVE, William R., b.27-apr-1895, d.2-july-1971, double marker with bettie s. SOSEBEE, Myrtle Mize, b.6-sept-1903, d.19-may-1926, h. george l. sosebee, next to j ellis mize STEVENSON, R. Theadore, b.13-apr-1905, d.21-dec-1928, in same plot as george w rice STONE, Grady M., b.9-mar-1919, double marker with nell b. stone STONE, Lucius Lafayette, b.1943, d. 23-feb-1996, p. t.c & madge morgan stone, w. frances mosley stone, next to max hall ables STONE, Johnny Dewey, b. 30-dec-1924 in westminster, sc, d. 17-may-2002, p. walter morris sr.& nora cox stone, w. virginia charlotte black stone, mil marker:s1 us navy wwII STONE, Nell B., b.3-nov-1920, double marker with grady m. stone STONE, Nora L. Cox, b. 1897, d. 1948, double marker with walter m. stone STONE, Virginia C., b. 24-feb-1927, d. no dod, next to johnny dewey stone STONE, Walter M., b.1897, d. 1980, double marker with nora l. cox stone SWAIN, Kevin Garrett, b.no dob, d.21-feb-1997, p. kevin michael & carla denise mccrackin swain, next to julian prater TENCH, Harold E., b. 25-jul-1937, d. no dod, double marker with rachel l tench TENCH, Rachel L., b. 13-apr-1943, d. no dod, double marker with harold e tench TIMMS, Herman Lecil, b.1938C, d.6-june-1983, p. rev thomas albert & gertrude slayton timms, w. freida farmer timms TREADAWAY, Carl C., b. 12-nov-1939, d. 16-oct-1956, beside jessie e. treadaway TREADAWAY, Infant son of mr. & mrs. j e , 4-aug-1931, only date TREADAWAY, Jessie E., b. 17-mar-1851, d. 30-june-1932, see paul d & carl c TREADAWAY, Jessie E., b. 18-dec-1905,d. 1-jan-1996, beside mary ann treadaway, also here william j , willie mae, patricia m, infant son, and sara jean TREADAWAY, Mary Ann, b. 8-jan-1906, d. 16-oct-1979, between jessie e. treadaway & willie mae treadaway TREADAWAY, Mildred H., b. 31-july-1928, double marker with paul d. treadaway TREADAWAY, Patricia M., b. 15-jan-1941, d. 1-june-1941, see jessie e TREADAWAY, Paul D., b. 27-sept-1926, d. 18-mar-1951, next to jessie e (1851/1932) TREADAWAY, Paul Toliver, b. 5-june-1894, d. 31-jan-1985p. jesse edward & mary segers treadaway, w. pauline burns treadaway TREADAWAY, Pauline B., b. 10-mar-1897, d. 24-mar-1983, p. joseph y. & cornelia thrasher burns, h. paul t. treadaway TREADAWAY, Sara Jean, b. 4-june-1929, d. 4-june-1930, see jessie e TREADAWAY, William J., b. 15-july-1925, d. 11-may-1927, see jessie e TREADAWAY, Willie Mae, b. 23-mar-1935, d. 2-may-1935, see jessie e TREADWAY, Jeanette Brock, b. 14-apr-1913 banks county, d. 23-jul-2002 in anderson sc, mil marker: s1 us navy wwII, p. charles & lenoir oliver brock, sister norine richey, brothers alton, william, & oliver brock TUCKER, Nettie Burns, b. 28-sept-1888, d. 7-feb-1979, next to sister pauline burns treadaway VAUGHAN, Hassie, b. 6-jan-1895, d. 10-oct-1923, stone says "father" VAUGHN, Estelle Nix, b. 16-mar-1942, d. 28-jul-1996, next to randall e vaughn VAUGHN, J. Riley, b. 12-nov-1935, d. 14-dec-1981, preston & lillie dooley here also VAUGHN, Randall Edward, b. 7-feb-1967, d. 6-may-1980, next to estelle nix vaughn WALDROP, Betty Jean Allison Busch, b.18-jun-1932, d.29-dec-1999, h. travis, p. rbt. thomas & jettie fahnstock allison WALDROP, Travis L., b.29-sep-1930, d. no dod, w. betty j waldrop WALTERS, Bobby Olin, b. 5-apr-1941, d. 23-apr-1961 WALTERS, Broedus, b. 1922 in hart cty, ga, d. 10-apr-2003 in seneca sc, w. mildred graham walters, p. olin & maude wilson walters WALTERS, Lettie Maude, b. 18-nov-1902, d. 19-apr-1979, double marker with olin crate walters, m. 23-dec-1917 WALTERS, Olin Crate, b. 9-mar-1893, d. 27-mar-1963, w. lettie maude walters, married 23-dec-1917, footstone says "father", also here is bobby o, thomas b., & stewart c walters WALTERS, Stewart C., b. 30-sept-1918, d. 19-dec-1980, footstone says "brother", see olin crate walters, next to thomas b WALTERS, Thomas B., b. 23-jan-1928, d. 2-apr-1980, footstone says "brother", see olin crate walters, next to stewart c WATKINS, Clem B., b. 9-dec-1927, d. 21-may-1997, w. miriam juanita bates watkins WATKINS, M. Juanita, b. 30-jan-1932, d. no dod, double marker with clem b WATKINS, Mary Elizabeth Bruce, b. 1951, d. 1-sep-2002 in greenville, sc, h. phillip watkins, m. mary lona hill bruce, WEST, Patricia B., b. 6-mar-1940, d. no dod, double marker with mother eunice d graham boyd WHITWORTH, Infant daughter, 11-oct-1921, only date, in plot with larkin a & mae a whitworth WHITWORTH, Larkin A., b. 1885, d. 1966, w. mae a. whitworth, also here is inf daughter & betsy green hurt, & audrey w green mccracken WHITWORTH, Mae A., b. 1892, d. 1970, h. larkin a. whitworth WILLIAMS, Barbara Barker, b. 29-feb-1936, d. 9-may-1957, h. robert o. williams, see john f barker WILLIAMS, Opal Smith Merritt, b. 25-mar-1910, d. 12-apr-1993, p. arthur moody & vassie olivia cochran smith, h. 1st james e. merritt, sr., 2nd u.o. williams WILLIAMS, Uriel Olin, b. 8-aug-1906, d. 11-dec-1983, p. david parks & mary dean williams, w. opal smith merritt williams WOOTEN, Claude Monroe, b.17-may-1914, d.31-jan-1988, p. edgar & emma cheatham wooten, w. lessie treadaway wooten WOOTEN, Lessie T., b. 1923, d. no dod, double marker with claude monroe wooten WORLEY, Annie Lou Keasler, b. 12-oct-1909, d. 15-feb-1991, p. james mathan & nancy caroline newell keasler, h. william dennis worley WORLEY, Bobby Joe, b.18-mar-1936, d.5-dec-1999, w. pauline whitfield worley, p. jerry walter & lena faye stancil worley WORLEY, Charles Henry, b. 1932, d. 9-apr-2003 in seneca sc, s/sgt us army retired, w. doris hester worley, p. william dennis & annie lou keasler worley WORLEY, Collie Ray, b. 11-aug-1924, d. 17-may-1989, p. jerry walter & sadie smith worley, w. sylvia mae lee worley , see henry steven worley WORLEY, Henry Steven, b. 28-jan-1955, d. 28-jan-1955, same plot as collie ray & sylvia lee worley WORLEY, J. Walter, Jr., b.1911, d.12-oct-1983, p. jerry walter & saddie smith worley, w.sara peurifoy herring worley, double marker with lena faye worley WORLEY, James Ralph, b. 23-feb-1928, d. 18-sept-1978, mil marker tec 5 us army wwII WORLEY, Lena Faye, b. 1917, d. 1972, double marker with j. walter worley, jr. WORLEY, Luther, no dates WORLEY, Pauline W., b. 19-jun-1936, d. no dod, m. 15-sep-1956, h. bobby WORLEY, Rufus G., b. 3-sept-1925, d. 1-jan-1953, stone gives rank "cpl" before his name, no mil marker notec WORLEY, Sylvia Mae Lee, b.15-nov-1929, d.15-apr-2000, h. collie ray worley, p. duffy l & dester estee bryant lee WORLEY, William Dennis, b. 22-jun-1903, d. 12-jun-1970, double marker with annie k worley